Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to best prepare physically for labour – are squats enough?
-How to best manage vulval varicosities
-Positioning to help a breech baby
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to best prepare physically for labour – are squats enough?
-How to best manage vulval varicosities
-Positioning to help a breech baby
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Guideline around lying on your back and exercising on your back in pregnancy
-Managing pelvic pain
-Fluid retention
-Nasal congestion in pregnancy
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Can you continue traditional abdominal exercises in pregnancy?
-How many sweet treats are too many during pregnancy?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to manage your pelvic floor during periods of illness, coughs and colds.
Read MoreHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Best way to manage compression tides and varicose veins in the hotter months
-My favorite podcasts at the moment
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I feel a tearing pain at the bottom of my ribs. What do you think this could be? What should I do to manage it?
Read MoreHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How do you operate TENs machine during labour?
-Is it bad if my knees click when I squat?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m suffering badly with bloating and fullness in my tummy related to IBS. Is there anything I can do to help during pregnancy?
Read MoreHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Will the vagina go back to pre-birth shape/tightness after a vaginal delivery?
-Is butt clenching during pregnancy bad?
-Is a baby’s posture affected by having multiple sleeps in a baby carrier?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m getting pain at the front and back of my pelvis and occasionally shooting into the rectum. Is this a normal part of pregnancy?
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