Fear in childbirth

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are kicking off the third episode in this Yoga & Doula series, delving into why there is so much fear in childbirth and how fear can affect a woman during pregnancy and birth. This is episode 3 of a 5 part Yoga & Doula series with the beautiful doula and yoga and meditation teacher, Louise Maguire. 

Louise chats in depth today about how fear can cause a pain and tension cycle in the body which can then make birth more challenging. She also discusses how the medicalisation of birth has caused us to fear birth and feel disempowered about our ability to birth. And finally she also gives us some great tools and tips to eliminate this fear and think more positively and confidently about birth. 

If you haven’t already listened to the first two episode in this series, make sure you go back and have a listen because we discuss the role of the doula in pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period and this may help any woman who is fearful of childbirth to understand where she can seek more support and guidance from. 

Now let’s get into episode 3 of our 5 part Yoga & Doula series. This is a great chat for all women, whether you feel you have fear around childbirth or not, because it’s so important to understand how fear can manifest itself physically and emotionally during pregnancy and birth. Enjoy!

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