Connecting with your baby

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are kicking off the fifth episode, the final episode in this Yoga & Doula series, diving into ways in which we can connect deeper with our babies and practice more mindfulness during pregnancy. This is episode 5 of a 5 part Yoga & Doula series with the beautiful doula and yoga and meditation teacher, Louise Maguire. 

Louise chats today about the journey that our babies take during pregnancy and especially birth and how we can connect with them through this.

As I mention in this chat, I felt dumb-founded that I had never really considered my baby’s experience through all of this. I had always thought about pregnancy and birth from the maternal aspect, but never really from my babies point of view. It’s like I had just imagined they were this wriggly piece of tissue and they didn’t become a proper person until they were born.

How crazy! I now feel so much more in tune with my baby this third time round and I am loving the connection we have and I feel like a real team this time, as opposed to only thinking about it from my maternal perspective. So interesting!

If you haven’t already listened to the first four episode in this series, make sure you go back and have a listen because we discuss the role of the doula in pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period and how fear can manifest itself in birth. We then go on to chat about how yoga and meditation can help to reduce fear, pain and tension and help us connect in more with ourselves and our babies.  

Now let’s get into episode 5 of our 5 part Yoga & Doula series. I hope you feel more connected to yourself and your baby after today’s chat. Enjoy!

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