In this video: 00:01:06 - I get pain on my right side under my rib and my back where my bra sits. Is there any foam roller stretch I can do to help with this or could I use a spikey massage ball to do self massage? 00:03:10 - Carpel tunnel syndrome tips 00:05:33 - Gestational diabetes: what diet to eat, what to avoid, and the exercises to do 00:07:09 - How can I safely lift and carry a toddler while pregnant? 00:13:32 - Is there a right or wrong way to bend over to pickup things off the ground? Should it be a squat? 00:14:59 - Upper back pain, is this a thing? It's only really started this last week or so, right between my shoulder blades. I'm 38 weeks. Not every day, but once it starts I can't seem to make it go away until I go to bed. 00:15:40 - How do you manage the "squat and cross to opposite knee" in week 19 workout around a bump? Resources Gestational diabetes diet forum post