Birth story – part 2

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today’s episode picks up where we left off in sharing the second half of my birth story. This episode begins from the pushing phase right through to the events that occurred after my birth. 

So this is episode 3 of 7 in the My Pregnancy and Birth podcast series. If you haven’t already listened to the first 2 episodes you should definitely go and listen to them first. The first episode explains my pregnancy journey, which then gives context to my birth story and the second episode in this series in this podcast series is the first half of my birth story – so definitely catch up on those otherwise this episode won’t really make too much sense!

In today’s episode I share my experience of the pushing phase of birth and how it wasn’t exactly what I expected. I also get a little teary when talking about the moment I met my daughter, I certainly wasn’ expecting to get emotional when I recorded this but obviously there were still some emotions I needed to release!

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