Enough of the “bounce back” culture

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are kicking off with episode 4 in the Matrescence series, diving into the current culture around mothers “bouncing back” and why this is not a helpful message. We’ll also chat about different cultural practices for post-partum recovery and how they all have a common thread of rest, nourishing foods and village support.  

This is episode 4 of a 5 part Matrescence series with the wonderful Nikki McMahon, our beautiful matrescence educator. Make sure you go back and listen to the first 3 episodes if you haven’t already as we discuss exactly what matrescence is, the different physical, social, emotional and biological changes that occur and the best ways to help prepare yourself for the post-partum period. 

Now let’s get into episode 4 of our 5 part Matrescence series. You are going to love today’s chat with Nikki as we discuss different cultural postpartum practices and the current toxic culture around mothers bouncing back after birth. Enjoy!

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