Q & A / Your most popular questions answered

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are diving into the final episode in this C-section birth series, I’m going to do a Q & A style and I’ve picked the most popular questions that you have all asked me.

Make sure you listen to the first 4 episodes we’ve already released in this C-section birth series as they will help to give you some great knowledge and a foundation to work from to understand all the questions I answer today. In the first 4 episodes we covered mental preparation and emotional processing, physical recovery after a C-section and I shared my first 2 birth stories. 

Today I am answering a whole bunch of questions from women inside my Pregnancy Posse membership as well as from social media. I tried my best to cover all bases, so hopefully I got around to answering your question if you did submit one. I’ll be covering age gaps between C-sections, scar recovery, deciding between VBAC or planned C-sections, bleeding after birth, C-section recovery with a toddler and so much more!

Now I’ve not done a Q & A episode before, and I thought it would be best to keep this one natural, as if I were being interviewed by someone else. So I haven’t done any scripting for this episode and will just be speaking on the fly, so please forgive me if I’m a little unpolished or if I ramble too much!

Now for today’s final session in Laura’s life lessons…which is really just like me journalling out loud, but hey if it lands on you then that is just an extra bonus! I wanted to share a piece from my most recent journal where I am downloading some thoughts I have on pain in labour and birth (and life to be honest) “We dismiss pain and want to always “do” something to fix it. To remove it. It dismisses the reality that there is pain in being human. There is suffering in being human. There will be pain and hardship. Rather than try to remove all pain, how can be with ourselves when there is pain? How can we flow with pain? Rather than fix it or cope with is? And where are you already doing this in your life?”

Hmm just a little food for thought today… I’d love to know your thoughts on this version of thinking about pain!

Now let’s get into the final episode of this C-section birth series, answering the most popular questions we have on this topic.

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