Physical recovery

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are diving into episode 2 of this C-section birth series, talking all about physical preparation and physical recovery after a C-section birth. This is episode 2 of 5 in this C-section Birth series where you’ll hear mostly from me and my professional expertise and guidelines around recovery after birth and how to safely return to exercise. I’ll also walk you through my personal experience with preparing for and recovering from a C-section. We’ll also hear from a number of Pregnancy Posse members who share their own unique experiences with a C-section birth and how their physical recoveries are going so far. 

As always please do let me know if you have any follow up questions from today’s episode, you can find me on social media @physiolaura, I’d love to hear from you. Or if you have any advice to share with other women about what might have helped you physically recover, then please do head over to Instagram or Facebook and let me know!

And don’t forget we’ve already released the first episode in this series on mental preparation and processing for a C-section birth so make sure you go and check that out before listening to today’s episode because mental recovery is just as important as physical.

In upcoming episodes in this C-section birth series, I’ll be sharing my own 2 C-section birth stories as well as a Q & A episode answering all of the most commonly asked questions I’ve received around Caesearens. I cover topics such as gentle C-sections, my breastfeeding journey, age gap between births and so much more!

For today’s podcast lesson or learning, something that’s hot on my brain right now is this concept of the feather, the brick and the truck. Something I learnt about from a fellow podcaster Lorraine Murphy. The lesson is that the universe is always trying to give us signs and if we don’t tune in and listen to them, they won’t go away but instead just start to become more bleedingly obvious. So the feather is the first little tickle of a message that we get. Then if we choose to ignore that the brick comes along and is not such a gentle reminder. If we still continue to turn a blind eye to these messages then the truck comes along and really rocks our world around. 

A good example of this from my own life which is just a small example, but one that I’m sure we can all relate to: I wasn’t looking after myself in the first trimester of this pregnancy as well as I could have been. My feather was a face full of cold sores. I chose not to change anything in my lifestyle, diet or mindset and so the brick came – the brick was constant lethargy and fatigue. Still I continued to ignore what my body/the universe was communicating and the truck (albeit a minor example in the grand scheme of things) was a full day on the weekend of being couch-bound and completely devoid of energy. So I wonder if you pay attention right now, are there some feathers tickling you? Could you listen to those and avoid the truck needing to stop by to teach you a life lesson?

Now let’s get into episode 2 of our 5 part C-section birth series, chatting all about physically preparing for and recovering from a Caesarean birth. 

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