My second birth story

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are diving into episode 4 of 5 in this C-section birth series, sharing my second birth story with you all. I am picking up where we left off in the last episode, sharing the interview I did with Sophie from the Australian Birth Stories podcast which was recorded just a few weeks after my second birth. 

Make sure you listen to the 3 episodes we’ve already released in this C-section birth series as they will help to give you some great information and background on C-sections before you dive into today’s episode.

Today I share about my journey with my second pregnancy and birth, which whilst it ended in a similar fashion to my first, was a very different experience. I talk about my experience with preparing for a VBAC, the things I changed in this pregnancy to try and help me mentally and physically prepare better.

I think it’s very unique to use this interview as I was sharing all of this just a few short weeks after birth. You can hear in my voice how positive and OK I felt about the whole process and I’m quite surprised how energetic I sound for a new Mum, I’m kind of wishing I had that energy right about now!

I’m looking forward to doing a similar thing with my upcoming third birth, as I record this interview today I am over half way into my third pregnancy. I think I will also try to record my birth just a few weeks afterwards so that everything is fresh and raw and a beautiful memory really to look back on. 

As I mentioned in the last episode where I shared my first birth story, I wanted to use this interview with Sophie because it was raw. I didn’t want to change it by re-recording it now. I’d forgotten a lot of the details that I shared with Sophie and it was actually really nice to listen back to it one and a half years later. So I hope you enjoy today’s episode and as always please come over and chat to me on Instagram or Facebook @physiolaura because I love hearing what you got out of each episode and whether maybe me sharing some of my story resonated with you.

Now for today’s Laura’s life lessons… something that has been on my mind and that also ties back really well with this birth episode. You may have heard people saying on social media “Take the photo”. And what I understand that to mean is for partners to take the photo of Mum looking tired with baby on her chest. Take the candid photo of her kissing her baby’s head even if she isn’t posed or ready or smiling. Because these are the memories we long to look back on and cherish. These are the raw, real times that we want to be able to show our kids when they’re older. I have so many breastfeeding photos or videos on my phone because I want to be able to look back and remember how wonderful those times were. Listening back to me sharing my birth interviews was so interesting and I’m so glad I have a recored version of it to hold from that specific moment in time. So whether it’s a voice memo on your phone, a journal in the notes section of your computer, pen to paper reflections on where you’re at right now, or the photo that seems unpolished and raw, take it. Do it. These memories you’ll never regret. 

Now let’s get into episode 4 of our 5 part C-section birth series, chatting about my second pregnancy and birth story. 

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