Mental preparation and processing

Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast. 

Today we are kicking off the C-section birth series, delving into mental preparation and emotional processing. This is episode 1 of 5 in this C-section Birth series where you’ll hear mostly from me and my professional expertise as well as personal experience with having had 2 C-sections of my own and we’ll also hear from a number of Pregnancy Posse members who share their own unique experiences with a C-section birth. 

Now I think it goes without saying that this series includes my general professional physiotherapy advice, as well as my own 2 highly personal experiences with having had 2 C-section births. Remember that no 2 births are the same and no 2 women are the same. Just because you’ve had a C-section birth and I’ve had a C-section birth, doesn’t mean we’ll have had the same experience as each other. There is a huge spectrum of birth, not just from the mode of delivery, but from how the mother and baby feel during their birth. So please don’t assume I am speaking on behalf of all C-section mamas, I am not. I am speaking on behalf of myself, and sharing personal stories of other mamas inside my Pregnancy Posse membership. Some of the stories and advice will resonate with you, some will not. Take from these episodes what you need to hear, and it is my hope in this series to shine more light on C-section births as I find that a lot of women still hold a lot of shame and stigma around this type of birth. There also seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding these births, so it is my hope to de-mystify what a C-section birth might look like. 

In this C-section birth series, we’ll also be covering physical preparation and recovery after birth, my own 2 C-section stories as well as a Q & A episode answering all of the most commonly asked questions I’ve received around Caesearens. 

Now quickly before we get into this episode, I couldn’t miss an opportunity to share a little Laura life lesson. Something I’d like to do on each of my solo episodes. These are little lessons or learnings that have resonated deeply with me, and I hope with you too.

Today I wanted to chat about keeping the simple sacred. I think in life we often wait for the big grandiose events to really let ourselves feel excitement and joy. The big holiday we’ve been waiting for. Birthdays. Weddings. A job promotion. But what if we could access the same feelings of joy, excitement, pride or love on an every day basis. In the delight of our morning cup of tea. In watching the moon and stars at night time. In feeling the breeze on your skin. In diving into the ocean. Observing your children play and laugh. So today I am choosing 2 things. I had my morning coffee on the balcony and listened to the kookaburras. And I need to sweep and mop the floors later so I’m going to crank some old school Queen and have a little dance party! So I hope that maybe you too today could keep the simple sacred.

Now let’s get into episode 1 of our 5 part C-section birth series, chatting all about the mental and emotional side of preparing for and processing a Caesarean birth. 

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