Breastfeeding basics

Hi ladies, I am so excited to bring you our incredible breastfeeding series with Amberley Harris. We have 5 podcast episodes in this series plus a bonus 6th episode which is exclusive just to Posse members.

Now to kick off this first episode we are discussing breastfeeding 101… the foundational knowledge you’ll need to navigate this breastfeeding journey well. Amberley talks us through the 5 things you need to know to encourage a strong and confident breastfeeding relationship, the supply and demand concept when it comes to lactation and milk-making, the importance of the breast not just as a food source but also for comfort and connection and the importance of baby led attachment. Amberley will also provide us with a video demonstration of baby led attachment and what to look for with the mouth and nipple position in the 6th bonus episode if you want to check that out.

In later episodes in this podcast series we will be covering the breast crawl, breastfeeding after a C-section, mastitis, nipple damage, milk supply issues, antenatal expressing, pumping and Amberley’s favourite pump recommendation and busting through a wholeeeee bunch of breastfeeding myths… trust me there are some funny ones in there!

So grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy!

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