Hello mamas and welcome back to the Pregnancy with Physio Laura podcast.
Today we are kicking off with the sixth episode, the final episode, in our Ask the Midwife series, chatting all about inductions and vaginal examinations. This was intended to be content exclusive only for my Pregnancy Posse members but I felt it needed to be shared far and wide, because these interventions are quite commonplace in the modern birthing world.
In today’s episode we discuss the pros and cons of these interventions and why they may be suggested to you. Why being induced doesn’t mean you can’t still utilise all your incredible birth skills and the power, passage and passenger analogy that Beth uses to describe the progress of labour and how vaginal examinations may be used as part of that.
This is episode 6 of a 6 part Ask the Midwife series with the amazing Beth Ryan, our resident midwife, childbirth educator and soon to be mama!
You can find out more about Beth and check out her amazing instagram account by visiting @birthwithbeth.
If you missed it make sure you go back and listen to the first 5 episodes in this series where we chat about the importance of stimulating the labour hormone oxytocin and labouring at home for as long as possible, how to create a beautiful birth environment in the hospital, navigating conversations, language and interventions with your birth team, the ultimate in postpartum support planning and C-section birth preferences.
Now let’s get into episode 6 of our 6 part Ask the midwife series. I hope you love this chat with Beth around the reasons for and the pros and cons of birth inductions and vaginal examinations Enjoy!