Q & A #156 – October 19th 2022
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to best prepare physically for labour – are squats enough?
-How to best manage vulval varicosities
-Positioning to help a breech baby
The place to get your pregnancy questions answered!
Get your question answered in the Q&A with Physio Laura
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to best prepare physically for labour – are squats enough?
-How to best manage vulval varicosities
-Positioning to help a breech baby
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Guideline around lying on your back and exercising on your back in pregnancy
-Managing pelvic pain
-Fluid retention
-Nasal congestion in pregnancy
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Can you continue traditional abdominal exercises in pregnancy?
-How many sweet treats are too many during pregnancy?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to manage your pelvic floor during periods of illness, coughs and colds.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Best way to manage compression tides and varicose veins in the hotter months
-My favorite podcasts at the moment
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I feel a tearing pain at the bottom of my ribs. What do you think this could be? What should I do to manage it?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How do you operate TENs machine during labour?
-Is it bad if my knees click when I squat?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m suffering badly with bloating and fullness in my tummy related to IBS. Is there anything I can do to help during pregnancy?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Will the vagina go back to pre-birth shape/tightness after a vaginal delivery?
-Is butt clenching during pregnancy bad?
-Is a baby’s posture affected by having multiple sleeps in a baby carrier?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m getting pain at the front and back of my pelvis and occasionally shooting into the rectum. Is this a normal part of pregnancy?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What’s the longest we should sit during the day whilst pregnant?
-Is sitting cross-legged on the floor okay if you have pelvic pain?
-What is a good modification for the dipping bird exercise?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How can I best manage an umbilical hernia?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Is Tubigrip enough support for postpartum or should I be investing in compression shorts or tights?
-Warm up and cool down exercises for The Posse workouts
-Advice on shoulder dystocia
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What are some good strategies to reduce your time spent in sitting to help with optimal fetal positioning?
-Does the Epi-no help to reduce perineal tearing?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Maternity bras: How do you know what size to buy and what sort?
-How many hours a day can I wear my SRC shorts or belly band in the postpartum period? Is it going to help more if I wear it during bedtime too?
-Recovering after a c-section: How soon can you start exercises? When is it safe to use a baby carrier?
-Reformer pilates: Are there any exercises I shouldn’t be doing? When should I stop laying on my back?
-Can compression garments be worn during pregnancy and after birth? Should we wear them during pregnancy even if we have no symptoms?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How to turn a posterior baby?
-Leg cramps at nighttime
-Managing hip pain
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Is it normal to have cramps at nighttime in pregnancy?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-How will I know if the size of the Tubigrip will fit me properly after birth and is there any way I can make it smaller if I need to?
-Carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy
-Vulvar varicosities
-Low back pain
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Will you have a postpartum program coming soon?
-Do I know much about gestational thrombocytopenia?
-What would likely be the cause of the stinging pain in my lower abdominal area when I stand up after sitting?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What is the reason for episiotomies and what is the best way to recover afterwards?
-What music/playlists are you using for birth?
-Are white spots on the nipples normal?
-Would you need to birth on your back or is there another option?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What are your thoughts on the use of TENs machines during labour?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-My personal book reviews and recommendations
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What is the best way to manage night time cramps in pregnancy?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m experiencing pain and discomfort in my lower right pelvis and groin. What should I do?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What is the best way to manage labour & birth with pubic pain and hemorrhoids?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Should I wear compression during pregnancy to prevent vulval varicose veins?
-When to see a women’s health physio after birth.
-Exercises to help prepare you for a VBAC.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Can you “over-wear” Tubigrip?
-Does purple veins on my bikini line = vulval varicosities?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Should I wear compression during pregnancy to prevent vulval varicose veins?
-When to see a women’s health physio after birth.
-Exercises to help prepare you for a VBAC.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What do I offer for postpartum workouts?
-I just did the 32 week workout and the pelvic floor exercises were done lying on your back. Just wondering if it’s ok to be doing this? I thought I shouldn’t be lying on my back any longer?
-I’ve just developed vulvar varicose veins and I read that squats are not ideal. What are your thoughts?
-The effects of relaxin on someone who is already hyper mobile.
-Recovery from a fourth degree tear.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-My top tips to continue to safely lift weights in the gym during pregnancy
-Placenta Previa
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What can I do to minimize the effects of prolapse after birth?
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Does having an anterior tilt of the pelvis make labor harder?
-Can I do previous Posse workouts from other weeks of pregnancy?
-If my placenta is close to my cervix, can I still workout?
-I’m 30 weeks pregnant and noticing I’m swollen around the vagina and I. Think I have vulvar varicosities. What should I do?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What is the reason you cannot lay on your back in the 3rd trimester? Is it okay even if you feel comfortable?
-Being self-conscious about the size of your belly during pregnancy.
-Differentiating between pelvic pain and general uterine stretching.
-Managing coccygeal and back pain when sitting for prolonged periods.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Compression tights to help with leg and foot pain.
-I love running 5-10K and would really love to continue during my pregnancy. However, I’m noticing some abdominal heaviness and pressure on my bladder. Should I continue?
-Postnatal 3-finger abdominal separation.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I’m 26 weeks pregnant and I’ve just replaced my desk chair with a fitball however I noticed I started to get tired and sore in my back after a few hours. What do you recommend?
-Indigestion / uterine pains at night time
-Right-sided back and pelvic pain management options
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Could rib pain be related to prolapse sensation?
-Can I continue HIIT and weight training during pregnancy?
-I’m 32 weeks and I’m feeling a grabbing sensation in my right hip when I roll over. What stretches can I do to try to release this?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Can you still continue to exercise with a uterine fibroid?
-How long can we loiter in the Pregnancy Posse postpartum?
-Should you do pelvic floor exercises if you have an anal fissure?
-Can flat feet be related to sciatica pain in early pregnancy?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Managing vulvar varicose veins during pregnancy.
-Catching up on Posse exercises after being sedentary.
-My thoughts on chiropractic care.
-Best ways to manage restless legs and leg cramps.
-Managing pubic pain – exercises to avoid.
-Demonstration of the chariot pull exercise.
-What is the best size fit ball to use during pregnancy?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Stage 1 prolapse.
-Ways to modify the Posse exercises to suit pelvic girdle pain.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Managing haemorrhoids.
-Postnatal support.
-Update on my postnatal program.
-Can you do star jumps or jumping jacks during pregnancy?
-Advice on creating a birth plan and getting your partner on board with birth preparation.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-I have the worst pain in my sitting bones when I am working. Do you have any suggestions to help relieve this?
-Is it safe to use a handheld massage gun when pregnant?
-Is there anything extra I need to know to prevent a worsening diastasis recti?
-Does having an anterior pelvic tilt limit my ability to have a vaginal birth?
-Managing right groin pain.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Is it safe to do full plank and full push ups on your toes at 13 weeks pregnant?
-What is the best compression garments for perineal heaviness?
-Is it normal to feel tired in the pelvic floor after sex?
-Managing left side sacroiliac pain.
-Is it normal to have pain in the bladder after birth?
-What is the best compression garment to carry you through pregnancy and after birth?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Updated research on the EPI-NO device.
-When is it safe to do core exercises after birth?
-Managing tailbone pain in pregnancy.
-Can you prepare your back for an epidural?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-What is the best way to prepare for a C-section and what can I do to heal from one quickly?
-Managing pelvic and groin pain.
-The best way to get in and out of a car without causing strain.
-Is it safe to swim and exercise in a pool all the way through pregnancy?
-I am pregnant via IVF. Does this increase risk issues with the birth of our baby? I have heard that it can increase hemorrhaging.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Can you do pelvic floor exercises with implantation bleeding?
-How soon after a C section can you start wearing compression garments?
-Can you do pelvic floor exercises after a C section?
-How do you know when your breast is fully emptied and it’s time to offer the other breast?
-What are some exercises we can do at the work desk to alleviate back pain
-In these unprecedented times, is it considered normal to not have any face to face appointments with my GP? Should I be having my blood pressure checked regularly or anything else?
-Managing inductions and asking the right questions to your healthcare providers
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Best stretches for sciatic pain.
-How early in pregnancy can you get abdominal separation?
-Is it bad to lie on your stomach in early pregnancy?
-I’m being induced next week and I’m wondering how I can best manage that.
-I get doming of my abdomen when I do things like sneeze or strain to pass gas. Could I be causing damage doing this?
-Can you please explain the differences between relaxing through a surge in labor vs being active in a labor contraction?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Is perineal massage beneficial in the month leading up to birth? Does it result in a weakened pelvic floor? What position should I do it in so that I can reach around my bump easily?
-Abdominal trauma when rolling on to your belly.
-Numbness and tingling when sleeping at your side at night time.
-Is it beneficial to do pelvic floor exercises and/or perennial massage/ stretch during the first stage of labor to “warm up” and prepare the muscle for the high performance that is to come? Or is it counterproductive and better to let the muscle rest to perform at its best during 2nd stage labor and pushing phase?
-Lower back pain and pain near the belly button due to a fall. I’m worried about exacerbating my DRAM. When I lean forward, the pain exaggerates but disappears when I lean back.
-Hypnobirthing – Do you recommend it?
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Modifying the Posse exercises for pelvic pain.
-I recently did a reformer pilates class with a new instructor and at 25 weeks pregnant I was doing tabletop holds and heavy weight lifting. Is this appropriate at this stage of my pregnancy?
-Upper abdominal separation and how to best manage.
-The link between indigestion and mid back pain.
Hello ladies! This week we are answering:
-Managing a DOMS feeling in the glutes while maintaining good posture and keeping the pelvis tucked.
-Helping baby get into a better position.
-Can I lie on my back during pregnancy if side-lying is too sore?
-Advice on carpel tunnel syndrome.
-I have a lot of tension in my jaw at night time which I found also creates tension in my pelvic floor. Have you got any tips on how to manage this?
-Stretching your abdomen after a c section.
-Can I lie on my belly immediately after birth?
This week we are answering:
-Internal c section scars and how to best manage them
-Is it possible for compression garments to be too tight after birth? How long do you recommend women wear them for?
-Best stretches for a sore thoracic spine
-Releasing your pelvic floor correctly
-Shaving before giving birth
-Managing post urination dribble
-Should I squeeze my pelvic floor when doing the Posse exercises?
This week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about exercises to help turn baby from an oblique to vertical position, bladder leakage from coughing, doing Posse workouts while having an succenturiate anterior lobe, abdominal binders to help prevent aggravation of diastasis recti, exercise modifications when experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome, pelvic pain even when doing double leg exercises, and doing deadlifts while pregnant.
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about the best exercises to address pelvic girdle pain, tips for turning a posterior baby, exercises that make pelvic pain better, passive descent in the pushing phase of labor, exercises for bed rest during pregnancy, and overdoing pelvic floor exercises.
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about rib pain, upper back pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, gestational diabetes, how to safely lift and carry a toddler while pregnant, how to safely bend over and carry things, and how to manage Posse workouts around a bump.
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about working out while having placenta previa, urinating frequency, pessaries for prolapse, avoiding pelvic pain, workouts for twin pregnancies
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about vaginal seeding after a c-section, possible objections to face when requesting to immediately have baby stay with me after a c-section, sciatica, painful sex during pregnancy, how to reduce reflux/acidity, hip flexes, If baby being head down early means early birth, SIJ pain, tight compression, and tight quads and hip flexors impacts on vaginal labor.
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about exercise modification for knock knees and loose connective tissues, raspberry tea for natural birth, modifying bridge variations, back and rib pain relief, thrush and ways to fix it.
WATCH Q&AThis week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about hemorrhoids, workout frequency, repetitions, and equipment. Click the jumplinks to jump straight to the specific questions you’re interested in!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about enemas, weak abdominal muscles, c section prep, and plank modifications. Click the jumplinks to jump straight to the specific questions you’re interested in!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about pelvic floor exercises, tips for working from home setups, joggers for widening feet, shooting pain in hip sockets. Click the jumplinks to jump straight to the specific questions you’re interested in!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions about: vaginismus, varicosity, abdominal pain, and haemorrhoids. Click the jumplinks to jump straight to the specific questions you’re interested in!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week I’m doing a rapid-fire session answering lots of different questions submitted! Click the jump links to jump straight to the specific questions you’re interested in!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about compression garments during and after pregnancy, whether an epidural causes weakness in the back muscles and how often you should be doing the Posse workouts!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about modifying the “feet on wall” yoga position as well as how to manage hip pain at night time (apologies for the noisy baby in the background of this week’s video – this is real life!)
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about groin pain during pregnancy and best ways to manage it. We also discuss lower abdominal discomfort whilst running during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about physical and mental preparation for a C section and recovery in the early days after surgery.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my thoughts on belly bands and what brands I recommend.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about tips to prevent and manage mastitis after birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about abdominal separation and what “extra” things we can be doing to help manage it during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about perineal massage and the exact instructions on how to do it in the lead up to birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about breech babies and my best tips and advice to help with optimal positioning for birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about how to manage meralgia parasthetica (tingling and numbness in the outside thigh during pregnancy).
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about yoga and stretching during pregnancy as well as carpal tunnel syndrome and the best ways to manage it.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about pain and heaviness in the tailbone as well as oblique muscle sprains.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy will hamper your ability to push your baby out in birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about F45 during pregnancy and how to modify to be safe.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about yoga, specifically hot yoga, during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about birth risk factors which might increase your risk of pelvic floor damage, including forceps use.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about heel pain and plantar fasciitis during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about a few particular gym based exercises and how to modify them for pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about placenta previa and whether or not you can continue with the Posse exercises.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about weight gain during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about tips to prevent perineal tears during birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether there comes a point where pelvic floor exercises just aren’t enough to help with issues such as prolapse and incontinence.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about safe weightlifting during pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my thoughts on pelvic floor gadgets and trainers, including insertable devices.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about pubic pain during pregnancy and whether you should modify the Posse workouts.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether having stress incontinence when coughing and vomiting during pregnancy means you have a weak pelvic floor.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about workplace ergonomics to help manage pelvic pain.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about how hard you should be contracting your pelvic floor when exercising.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether you should continue with reformer pilates during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about coccyx pain during pregnancy and whether you should continue doing pelvic floor exercises.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether planking is safe during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether it’s safe to use a self massage device during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about haemorrhoids and whether you should continue to exercise during pregnancy if you have them.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about hypermobility and how this may affect labour and birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about vaginismus and how this condition may affect labour and birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about a condition called vaginismus (involuntary spasm of your pelvic floor muscles) and how you might modify your pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my top tips to quickly relieve sciatic/back pain during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the factors to consider when deciding between a vaginal birth and C-section after having a perineal tear.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my favourite labour TENs machines and where you can hire/buy them from!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether you should bother doing anything about ab separation during pregnancy or whether you should just wait until after birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about exercises that might help with optimal baby positioning.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about urine retention and decreased bladder sensations after birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about managing hip pain when lying on your side at night time.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about tips to help you from holding your breath when doing your pelvic floor exercises!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best ways to manage leg cramps at night time!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best ways to release an overactive pelvic floor.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best ways to look after your vulva and practice good vulval hygiene.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my top tips to prepare your perineum for birth (massage, relaxation and Epi-No).
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best positions for the second stage (the pushing stage) of labour.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting more in depth about abdominal separation and how far is too wide during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best time to return to running after birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about my best tips to optimise perineal recovery after birth!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about the best postures and positions to adopt when dealing with other children whilst pregnant.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether you’re more likely to have abdominal separation if you’re overweight.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether doing a prenatal exercise class is enough work for your pelvic floor or whether you need to do something extra!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether having pelvic pain during pregnancy will affect your ability to labour and birth well.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether Kegel balls are effective at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about tips and tricks to help manage urinary tract infections during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting about whether incidental abdominal stretching is safe during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy and the best ways to manage.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about SIJ (pelvic) pain and whether swimming is good/bad and what my favourite compression belts are!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about what should you look for in a pram and change table to make it ergonomically safe after birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about whether or not pelvic floor exercises can fix a prolapse.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about sleeping positions and whether it is “bad” to sleep on your right side during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies. This week we are chatting all about core exercises during pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting all about using a TENs machine during labour.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about the difference between hospital birth classes and other alternatives such as hypno birth or calm birth.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about the difference between general vulval pressure during pregnancy and prolapse.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about whether the “stop the flow of urine” test for pelvic floor muscle strength is particularly valid anymore.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about umbilical hernias during pregnancy and how they differ from normal abdominal separation.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about pubic symphysis (groin) pain during pregnancy. Why it happens, what exercises to avoid and what treatment strategies you can start right now!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week I’m answering a number of questions on abdominal separation during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about my number 1 postural hack during pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are discussing the importance of practicing mindfulness during pregnancy and what my favourite mindfulness app is.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are discussing whether you should stop doing your pelvic floor exercises at a certain point, or do you just continue forever?!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are discussing how to progress your pelvic floor exercises beyond the basic level.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are discussing how to manage your bowels well during pregnancy and deal with constipation!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are discussing whether you can continue running during your pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about the factors to consider when weighing up a vaginal delivery vs C-section for those women with pelvic floor dysfunction.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about whether all pregnant women will experience abdominal separation and what the consequences of having a DRAM are!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are chatting about scar massage after a C-section and how much weight gain is normal during pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we pick up where we left off last week and discuss Epi-no devices and how they may be helpful in preparing the perineum for birth and reducing the risk of tearing.
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we are talking about perineal preparation and perineal massage! **NOTE** Unfortunately the audio cuts out at 7 mins 30 and I cannot repair it, sorry! Stay tuned next week where I will pick up where we left off and continue discussing the Epi-no device!
WATCH Q&AHello Posse members! This week we are talking about preventing urinary tract infections during pregnancy and how much water you should actually be drinking! (hint: it’s less than you think!)
WATCH Q&AHello ladies! This week we discuss whether it’s normal for your knees to click when squatting, whether you should squeeze your tummy when doing pelvic floor exercises and how heavy can you lift during pregnancy!
WATCH Q&AHello lovely ladies! This week we discuss my recommendations for pregnancy pillows, whether there are any poses you should avoid in yoga and whether it is OK to stretch your stomach during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AHello lovely ladies! This week we discuss where to buy tubigrip and therabands, whether having an anterior placenta will impact your exercise routine and how to quickly relieve sciatic pain during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AWelcome to this week’s Q&A session! This week we discuss mindfulness apps, what you’re really feeling for when assessing yourself for abdominal separation and whether sit-ups are safe during pregnancy.
WATCH Q&AWelcome to this week’s Q&A session! This week we discuss how often you should exercise your pelvic floor muscles, bowel movements and constipation in pregnancy and my number 1 recommended birth resource!
WATCH Q&AWelcome to this week’s Q&A session! This week we discuss coccyx/tailbone pain, cramping in early pregnancy and my recommendations for baby carriers!
WATCH Q&AWelcome to this week’s Q&A session! This week we discuss the best app for pelvic floor exercises and how to relax your pelvic floor if it is too tense or too tight.
WATCH Q&AWelcome to this weeks Q & A session! We will be covering my favourite exercise during pregnancy, whether you should be wearing compression during pregnancy or only after birth and an interesting birthing position suggested by one of our Posse members!
WATCH Q&AThis week we talk about whether it is safe to stretch up into high cupboards during pregnancy, the best position to do your pelvic floor exercises in and whether or not I would recommend using a birth stool. Enjoy!
WATCH Q&AWelcome to our 2nd Q&A session! This week we discuss preventing pelvic pain during pregnancy, how to manage pubic pain when lying on your side and what exercises you can do to help your chances of a VBAC (vaginal birth).
WATCH Q&AOur first ever Q & A. We discussed back sleeping during pregnancy, walking during pregnancy and compression shorts.