In today’s solo-cast I chat about my thoughts on birth. Over many years of having my own lived experiences (2 C-sections and 1 home birth) plus having connected with thousands of women and heard their own experiences of birth, I have come to the conclusion that the least important part of birth is whether your baby came out of your belly or your vagina.
Because what I think is the most important stuff is whether you felt…
Empowered. Confident. Supported. Informed.
You trust yourself. You feel valued. You feel important. You are part of the decision making.
You are operating from trust, intuition and love. Not from fear, or lack or anxiety.
This, I believe, is the most important thing.
I know women who have had a home birth with fairy lights and calm music, and have left that experience feeling traumatised.
And I know women who have had highly medicalised and interventionist births who have felt truly empowered and supported.
The “method” isn’t the important bit. It’s all the other intangible stuff around it.
I’d love to know what you thought of this episode, jump over to @physiolaura and tell me what you learnt!